Student Services
Director of Student Services
Special Education/Student Services Forms
District-Level Special Ed. Data Reported to the Public
A Guide to Parents' Rights
Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Evaluation Team Report (ETR)
Prior Written Notice
Procedural Safeguards
Restraint, Seclusion, and Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports
Parent Consent
Parent Invitation
Records Release
Comprehensive Eye Exam Form
Medicaid Letter
Medicaid Consent Form
504 Forms
504 Procedural Safeguards
Ohio Educational Disability Classifications
Early Entrance to Kindergarten
Title VI B Funds are federal monies granted under the provisions of Public Law 94-142 which "flow-through" the state to local school districts. These funds are generated based on a child count of all identified disabled students in the district taken on December 1 of each year. By law, Title VI B funds must be used to extend programs and services to students with disabilities. These monies cannot supplant local funds. In JM, the money is used to provide services and purchase equipment and materials. Public comment is solicited on the budgeting and use of these funds. Contact the board office with suggestions.
In accordance with Public Law 93-380, all school districts must conduct annual search for children who have limited physical, emotional, visual hearing, speech or learning disabilities that would make it difficult for them to learn in a regular classroom. If you know of such a child not currently attending school, please contact the building principals.